Prayer partners

A new project will start on Pentecost: prayer partners. Prayer offers an opportunity for people in all generations to simultaneously connect with God and with others. This is true whether you are in the presence of the person(s) you are praying for, or simply in prayer for them.

Prayer partners commit for one year to "meet" regularly to pray together and to pray for each other. Partners may want to touch base at Coffee Hour or you might send each other cards on holidays or pick a day of the month to chat and prayer together. You'll have the option of picking a prayer partner or you can select that you want a leader to match you up with another individual.

The benefits of praying for someone else are numerous. You gain a new connection with someone, and learn more about that person. The additional prayers help draw you closer to God. Plus there is bonus of having someone special to reach out to in times of need.

Paper sign up forms will be available on Sunday, May 19, or sign up online by clicking on the button below.